Who are we?

So this is my first post since July of last year.  I took a break to further my education as well as continue to write what I have been called to write.  Just like your own lives, my life these last nine months have been sometimes joyful, sometimes painful.  It’s been filled with confusion, then clarity, questioning, and then revelation.  It’s been an interesting and enriching nine-month period.  I am still amazed at how much God can grow us and change us if we engage with Him in each area of our lives!

This first post will be short, but it’s been on my heart since October of last year.  It was a now prophetic word for then, but I feel it still holds true as this word continues to be revealed in our country.  Around October last year, I saw this very clear vision of the flag of Israel connected with our United States flag.  It was only connected by a single, but thick golden cord.  It was beautiful.  The coolest aspect of that vision was that the good old USA flag was almost completely blank.  There were some shades of a few stars but I didn’t see any stripes (sorry for my rudimentary graphic).  Many believers understand that the Lord has us connected to Israel for multiple reasons (this is a holy union).

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (Amplified Bible)

12 And though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

When I asked why our flag was so blank, I sensed that what God was saying was that He is remaking us as a nation.  We have certainly seen that happening over the last few years.  I felt as though a large part of what the Holy Spirit was saying is that the only way we are moving forward is through change.  Not siding with political parties but coming back to restructuring our nation under the principles that matter the most to His heart.  Those things are the same things that He was upset with His own people about in the Old Testament.  What are those issues that cause our creator concern?  They were (and still are) Idolatry,  not caring for the poor, hungry, widows, and orphans (social injustice), and religious ritual without a relationship with Him in the sincerity of heart.

Micah 6:8 (Amplified Bible)

8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?


As we press in and continue to speak up for the people who can’t speak for themselves and demonstrate love through action, God is partnering with us to make positive change happen.  Be encouraged about where we are going as a nation.  God is for us and will align heaven and earth as we partner with Him and do our part to see justice reign, remove the idols in our lives, and fall more deeply in love with Him.

For the Kingdom,



Men like trees


Cast your bread