Revelations on the Run


This blog was inspired by obeying the word God gave me in the Spring of 2014 to begin to run for exercise. He has given me wonderful insights as my feet are pounding the pavement, and I am humbled to be able to share them with you. I hope you will find joy, encouragement, and inspiration from my posts as you run your race each day with God.

Philippians 2:16

Holding out [to it] and offering [to all men] the Word of Life, so that in the day of Christ I may have something of which exultantly to rejoice and glory in that I did not run my race in vain or spend my labor to no purpose.

Donna Friend Donna Friend


Did you ever wonder how you got where you are today? I mean really, really wonder? Do you ever say, “ In all of my journeys and wanderings, how did I end up with the life that I currently have?”

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Donna Friend Donna Friend


I woke up one-day last week with the story of Mephibosheth on my mind. If you haven’t heard of him he was a relative of King Saul…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend


I am a huge lover of the Old Testament. Not for the law, but for the history and the way the Lord utilized the prophets to bring about change. If you barely ever read the first half of the bible you are missing…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Crossing the DNA

It has been exhilarating (yet not surprising) to hear the reports that Israel is having success with COVID-19 patients who have been treated with…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Burn your oxen

During October, I had the privilege of serving for a ministry in which Pastor Samuel Rodriquez was preaching. It was so powerful and insightful. Pastor Sammy spoke about…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

The Bride

My daughter and I attended the most beautiful wedding this past Sunday.  It was filled with…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Men like trees

As I was driving down the street a few weeks ago I saw what I thought was a man standing at the edge of the road. I was far enough away and could not…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Who are we?

So this is my first post since July of last year. I took a break to further my education as well as continue to write what I have been…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Cast your bread

It’s been a while since I posted anything. I am not only working full time but also doing online school 15-20 hours per week for the next year. That takes precedence. The trip I just got home from today had such a profound lesson attached to it that I wanted to…

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Donna Friend Donna Friend

Head to heart

One topic that arises in counseling often is the idea that we as human beings have head knowledge of concepts and beliefs, yet we lack heart knowledge on many truths that God has…

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